About me

I started on the Classic Mercedes Benz collecting hobby about 12 years ago.

At the beginning I brought my cars to a local recognized classic car restorer, who did a superb job on each case.  

With time I got more involved on the process at a point that I hired my own painter, body metal panel fabricator, mechanic and  so on to perform in house the restoration jobs.

At some point we realized that we needed a good electrician to repair the wiring harness of a W112 300SE coupe that had fire damage at the engine bay.

It was too hard to find someone to perform that work, so I decided, as Engineer I am, to put my hands and brains on it.  

What started as a hobby became a business later through some digital selling platforms and mercedes enthusiast forums.  

My passion for complex wiring harnesses has led many satisfied customers in USA, EUROPE and in remote places as Kenia and Australia.

You can contact me by filling the appropriate form on this site describing your particular project or needs related to your classic car electrical system.  

Leonardo Peterssen